Dynamo International, based in Uccle (Brussels), is an association that was created in 2001 from Dynamo ASBL, a support service with over 25 years of experience in street social work with children and young people in difficulty. Dynamo International operates in five areas:
- coordination of an international network of social road workers; launching and coordinating a platform for social road workers from different regions of the world, currently 50 countries are part of it.
- support for international projects aimed at children and young people on the street, currently covers four countries (DRC, Haiti, Nepal and Vietnam).
- training, in order to allow the exchange of practices and the creation of pedagogical tools.
- education and training for international solidarity.
- European mobility of young people, with particular attention to young people living in situations of social and economic distress.
DYNAMO INTERNATIONAL over the years has gained great experience in the management and coordination of a network of organizations, its expertise will therefore be essential when defining the structure and operation of the CAMMINI MINIMI network organization. It will also work with all organizations to design the Capacity Building Toolkit. DYNAMO will also be responsible for the design of the training modules and contents uploaded to the platform. It will be Mentor of the Fondation Pédiatrique de Kimbondo and of the 10 organizations that will participate in the Capacity Building Training Course to be held in Kinshasa.

Julien Ribaudo, Deputy Director of Dynamo International.After studying political science and cooperation in Brussels, Julien traveled to Latin America in development cooperation projects. Upon his return in 2013, he is hired in Dynamo International as coordinator of the mobility team.He then became ad interim director during the mission of Edwin de Boevé in DRC for 1 year and a half. Today he works as a deputy director and is responsible for managing the organization's human resources.

He is a graduate in Politics and Practices of Formation (Master in Sciences of the Education).
He created Dynamo in 1984, an open youth support service specializing in street social work in Belgium and
internationally. He coordinates this International Network of Street Social Workers, Dynamo
International-Street Workers Network which currently gathers more than 11,500 street social workers in 51
countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. Read
Professor, he teaches at the University of Lausanne and at the Haute Ecole de Sierre. He
has published several books at Editions l'Harmattan in the field of social work. He is often invited to
participate in international congresses around the world, as an expert of the Social Work of street, but
also expert in the field of the fight against poverty and the social exclusion with a particular focus on
the young people and the children. He is involved in the writing of certain laws or recommendations issued
by international bodies such as the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.