Passi Società Cooperativa was founded in Bologna in December 2012, by a group of young people under 35 who decided to pool their skills in Project Design and Management, Fundraising & Campaign and their personal and professional experiences in the field of association in order to be able to realize their own project ideas and support youth organizations, profit organizations and non-profit organizations, in Italy and abroad, in the implementation of projects and/or development programs. It aims to make young people more confident in their power to influence decision-making processes and increasingly responsible for community life, first and foremost by strengthening the characteristics of a cooperative social interaction that respects rights and duties, to be exercised both in the everyday life of their lives and, in the long term, in the opportunities for political participation offered by the institutional framework of the countries, the European Union, the African Union and the United Nations. In the first eight years of activity, PASSI has gained experience in: organizing, managing and conducting participatory design workshops through the integrated use of two methods, the GOPP and the Teatro dell'Oppresso; ideation, writing, implementation and narrative and financial reporting of Youth in Action, LLP-Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus Plus youth sector KA1 and KA2 (presented directly by PASSI or by its customers and partners); design, definition of financial procurement strategies, operational management and financial reporting of development cooperation projects in some countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and South America; creation of networks of partners that promote "economic empowerment of youth" and "strengthened youth engagement in building resilience in their communities" because they believe that young people are not just human beings, but are constantly becoming.


PASSI Società Cooperativa will be responsible for the organizational and financial management of the project, for relations with stakeholders’ management and the project Communication Plan design and implementation. PASSI will analyze the project performance with respect to the Project Management Plan and will verify the correct application of project management practices (Monitoring and Evaluation in itinere and ex post). It will collaborate with the other project partners to define the Capacity Building Toolkit and the structure and functioning of the CAMMINI MINIMI network organization. Given his experience in project design and management, PASSI will deal with the definition of the corresponding training and the activities of training on this topic during the Capacity Building Training Courses that will be carried out in Africa. PASSI will be Mentor of KUWUKA JDA and of the 10 Mozambican organizations that will attend the Training Course in Maputo.



Vice Presidente di PASSI Società Cooperativa – Laureata in Scienze dell'Amministrazione e Cooperazione Internazionale, Master in Cooperazione allo Sviluppo. Esperta di Finanziamenti nazionali, europei ed internazionali, Europroject e Administrative manager, responsabile e coordinatore dei progetti Erasmus Plus. Read more
Ha guadagnato preziose conoscenze nel coordinamento di progetto, monitoraggio e valutazione. Svolge il ruolo di coordinatrice nel progetto Erasmus Plus CAMMINI MINIMI.



Presidente di PASSI Società Cooperativa – Trainer e Project Manager, 15 anni di esperienza nel settore della cooperazione locale ed internazionale. Medico Psicoterapeuta, master in Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, Fundraising e Campaign, formatrice in Tecniche di Teatro dell'Oppresso, Read more
dal 2009 si occupa di fortificare le competenze delle organizzazioni no profit africane nell'ambito del Project Cycle Management e del Funding.